Dietitian Chandre Prangley explains recovery nutrition from the plant-based diet perspective. The goal – get stronger faster after intense exercise.
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Paddling: six things adventure racers need to know
Graham Bird is one of the leading figures in South Africa’s adventure racing world. He has been involved in the sport since 1986, and has been one of South Africa’s top canoeists since the early Nineties. Graham now focuses his energies on competing in adventure racing, trail running, mountain biking, canoeing, and multisport events around the country. He is also the leader of one of the world’s top adventure racing teams, the Merrell Adventure Addicts.
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When CrossFit and obstacle course racing collide
CrossFit and obstacle course racing (OCR) have become two of the world’s fastest growing fitness sports over the last decade.
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Thomas van Tonder: what it takes to be an OCR champion
Have you ever seen Thomas van Tonder blaze his way through an obstacle course? Every movement seems effortless and
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Committing to your first multi-day adventure race
When out-of-shape adults take up running for its fitness and weight loss benefits, they often focus on Comrades Marathon as their goal. Water-inclined choose Midmar Mile; cyclists look to Cape Cycle Tour and multi-discipliners up the stakes with IRONMAN. Why then do these same people not consider an expedition style adventure race? Adventure sprint races were first introduced in 2001 to entice participants into the sport. It was hoped that these bite-sized events would give participants […]
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Iron Cowboy comes to South Africa
Remember the Iron Cowboy story from 2015? James Lawrence left us in disbelief when he pulled off the superhuman feat of completing 50 IRONMANs, in 50 consecutive days, in 50 different states. We grabbed the opportunity to catch up with the Cowboy when he made a trip to Cape Town recently. Discover more about his approach to training, and how his life has changed since the 50.
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Merrell Mentors series: the art of trekking
Master the art of trekking with South Africa’s leading adventure racing team, The Merrell Adventure Addicts.
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When trail running meets adventure racing
Team Cyanosis captain Clinton Mac shares his advice about the benefits of trail running for adventure racers.
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When it takes feet of faith to get to OCR World Champs
Meeting Sabrina Daolio Training with one of South Africa’s leading Warrior women can be pretty intimidating. The first time I met 25-year old Sabrina Daolio was at BattleRush, the Johannesburg based obstacle course she calls home. She challenged me to attempt a few obstacles, and although I had some Warrior Race experience, I was nowhere near her caliber of grip strength! We started off swinging across a few rings, nice and easy. But before I knew […]
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Train intelligently with The Alexander Technique
The Alexander Technique (AT) has been used for over a century to facilitate kinaesthetic awareness and strip away unnecessary physical tension. With no equipment or a machine, which is unusual in our techno age, AT guides us into identifying where our imbalance lies. Frederick Alexander, the founder of this technique, is famous for coining the term psycho-physical unity and revolutionised the way we view the mind versus body relationship. He was an Australian actor who […]
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Recent posts
- Recover Like a Vegan October 2, 2017
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- Win Thule RideAlong and Sapling kiddie products September 21, 2017
- Paddling: six things adventure racers need to know August 31, 2017
- When CrossFit and obstacle course racing collide August 30, 2017
Recover Like a Vegan October 2, 2017
Injury, the toughest race to win June 15, 2017
Endurance race recovery – some valuable observations June 19, 2017
Recover Like a Vegan October 2, 2017
Protected: Win Thule RideAlong and Sapling kiddie products September 21, 2017
Win Thule RideAlong and Sapling kiddie products September 21, 2017