When out-of-shape adults take up running for its fitness and weight loss benefits, they often focus on Comrades Marathon as their goal. Water-inclined choose Midmar Mile; cyclists look to Cape Cycle Tour and multi-discipliners up the stakes with IRONMAN. Why then do these same people not consider an expedition style adventure race? Adventure sprint races were first introduced in 2001 to entice participants into the sport. It was hoped that these bite-sized events would give participants […]
Archive | Multisport

Secret that sets Hanneké Dannhauser apart
Interview with Hanneké Dannhauser as she reveals the secret to the past two years of winning success.
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10 Top multisport lessons to raise your game
One of South Africa’s top multisporters, Stuart Marais, shares his advice for athletes who are focusing on one sport, or multisports.
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OCR training: how to find the balance between strength and running
If you’ve been bitten by the obstacle course racing (OCR) bug, you’ll know that to enter a series like the Warrior Race competitively, you need to be able to trail run for anything from 15-21km, and have the strength to overcome 30 demanding obstacles in betwee
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Get in shape the fun way
What? When? How? What to do, when to do it, how to do it? These seem to be the most frequently asked questions that I hear from friends and people who want to start running, training or getting fit. Get in shape through your brain Personally I found and still find the most important thing is mindset. Firstly, remembering that you are doing it for your own well-being and to challenge yourself to achieve personal […]
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Booze, cigarettes, multisport warrior
Michael Gombart’s journey to becoming an athlete started when he was 25 years old. He weighed a porky 94kg, was a smoker and drinker, and had an acute fear of anything related to exercise. “At the beginning of 2013 I had a major health scare and ended up in hospital. The symptoms: an acute panic attack and extremely high cholesterol. There and then, I decided to change my life. In April 2013, after making necessary […]
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I’m here to compete: Donovan van Gelder
Hi, my name is Donovan and I like to compete. This unsubtle statement is completely intentional. I believe that Alcoholics Anonymous meetings start with this introduction and acknowledgement of an addiction. I may have it wrong, all I know about this I have learned from that window on the world, the television. The reason I chose to begin with that was because I find, more and more, that competition is something that people are embarrassed […]
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Non-Stop Wartrail Cocktail Recipe
Jess Crewdson and her father, Chris, participated in the 65km Skyrun, 130 km mountain bike, 65km canoe paddle Non-Stop Wartrail together on 22 and 23 March. This is Jess’s recipe for success. A classic twist from the original staged, three day event. Wartrail… but on steroids. No dossing. No comforts. Just non-stop epic-ness! Guaranteed to provide you with tons of war stories and blow your dinner guests’ minds at your next quaint cocktail party. Prep […]
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Tips to tackle multi-stage races
The art and dynamics of stage racing seeks to bring out each participant’s true colours. It takes athletes back to the days of survival, the days of the hunter-gatherers. Each morning hunters gather in pairs to take on the morning’s hunt. It’s the challenge to beat your opponents, to wrestle and overpower your own psyche and prove to yourself it can be done! What follows a successful hunt is a gathering of battered bodies and […]
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The Mind’s Healing Power
Many years ago, after having experienced several fairly benign injuries that just seemed to drag on until my race had been and gone before I made a miraculous recovery, I decided to investigate the question of whether our mind can influence the rate of recovery from injury. What I found was that this relatively simple query had not been adequately researched for a complete answer, but I was able to draw some conclusions that should […]
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Recent posts
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- Win Thule RideAlong and Sapling kiddie products September 21, 2017
- Paddling: six things adventure racers need to know August 31, 2017
- When CrossFit and obstacle course racing collide August 30, 2017
Recover Like a Vegan October 2, 2017
Injury, the toughest race to win June 15, 2017
Endurance race recovery – some valuable observations June 19, 2017
Recover Like a Vegan October 2, 2017
Protected: Win Thule RideAlong and Sapling kiddie products September 21, 2017
Win Thule RideAlong and Sapling kiddie products September 21, 2017