Dietitian Chandre Prangley explains recovery nutrition from the plant-based diet perspective. The goal – get stronger faster after intense exercise.
Tag Archives | nutrition
Should I follow the Caveman Diet?
A diet of berries, roots, nuts and the occasional hapless creature. Would you try it and would it make your life better? asks Durban-based dietitian Keri Strachan. Should we revert to the hunter-gatherer ‘Caveman’ diets of our ancient ancestors? Will it curtail the modern epidemics of obesity, hypertension, diabetes and heart disease? Considering how our modern day diet has changed in the last 10,000 years this may seem a good idea. But how practical will […]
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The protein enigma
Most nutritionists agree that carbohydrate-rich foods are the important fuel to maintain blood glucose levels, during exercise and afterwards. But what about protein? High versus low protein is a never-ending hot topic in most sports settings. The most common misconception is the need for greater protein intake for gains in strength, power, speed, and endurance. The truth of the matter is that South Africans are usually already eating too much protein! There is seldom the […]
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NuZest Clean Lean Protein review
In mid-2014 I encountered Australian company NuZest’s Good Green Stuff for the first time, thanks to a reference from Dennis-Lee Stols, a fellow trail runner. After testing it for a TRAIL magazine review over several weeks, I became increasingly impressed by the combination of its big list of nutrients available in powder form as well as its understated flavour. Being palatable, even pleasant, always helps encourage the average person to continue consuming something they know […]
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Top 10 training tips for endurance events
These top 10 training tips will be of great use to you for any endurance event you’re training for in the the next few weeks. It will be especially useful if you’re tackling long endurance challenges like ultra trail runs, multi-day mountain bike, road cycling, and paddling events. If you’re at this level, you should already have our taper programme, but it never hurts to have a few tried and tested tips in the last […]
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Rush Bar Training Bar review
There’s a definite swing to take diet back to basics and top of the list in the sport nutrition field must be sport bars. The public appetite for synthetic-tasting, plastic-smelling and rubbery-feeling slabs of colourant-laden putty of dubious origin is waning – and good riddance. Some of the big players have already launched bars and there seems to be plenty of room for the newcomers. Rush Bar are Cape Town-based and their distinguishing mark is […]
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Nuzest Good Green Stuff
In my time, I’ve not tested a powdered organic supplement (or any supplement, for that matter) with as wide a range of ingredients as Good Green Stuff. And there have been more than a few. It has over 70 high quality organic ingredients – and the packaging says it also contains hundreds of other vital ingredients (including minerals, vitamins and probiotics). The list ranges from the common (the vitamin groups for example), to the good-to-have […]
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Seven Reasons Mary-Ann Shearer Avoids A Paleo Diet
Mary-Ann Shearer is a plant-powered bestselling author and motivational speaker. She suffered with ill health for many years, resulting in a personal quest for a common-sense approach to health and well-being. Her intensive studies into nutrition and natural lifestyle over nearly 30 years, led her to develop a simple yet highly effective program that produced improved levels of health and vitality. Read her insights in TRAIL magazine’s article Paleo vs Veggie in TRAIL issue 9, […]
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John Berry’s Superfood Smoothie
Superfoods are trending like a viral video on the interweb at the moment. This is mainly because of their extremely high antioxidant properties. This smoothie is one of the best you can get as it’s also packed with nutrients from the spirulina. Chia seeds may be relatively new to Westerners but were used by the Aztecs for generations. Chia is known for the way in which it absorbs toxins expelled by the liver, is high […]
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Biogen Recovergen Review
One of the most important parts of any intense workout is the right nutrition and recovery. Biogen Recovergen is a rapid recovery formula that should be consumed after workouts to supply you with the appropriate amount of carbohydrates and proteins to restore your body’s muscle and energy stores. With its specially patented Vitargo™ formula and added Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s), protein, electrolytes and minerals, your body will regenerate all its glycogen levels as quick […]
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Recent posts
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Recover Like a Vegan October 2, 2017
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Win Thule RideAlong and Sapling kiddie products September 21, 2017